Staff birthday celebration

Staff birthday celebration

During July 1th 2020, we made a big party for our staff , the aim is thankful to our staff.

We started at 17:00pm, our manager Mr. Tom who is sales champion , and he is also our old staff and working in the company for 10 years , with warm hearted and professional in foreigh business. He had zero mistakes in export documents and no complaints from clients, we are so proud of such staff in our team.

He always glad to help new staff, sometimes due to not understand function of products, we will ask him over and over again, but he always have patience to us .

We all called him Tom brother, because in our factory, in our family, he is really like a big brother for us .

July 1st is his birthday, our CEO decided to make a party to him, give him best awards.

We are thankful shandong jiehan giving us this working oppotunity, letting us kown each other and study by each other . We wish we could keep this going on, union is strengh.

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